Developing New Teachers

CREATE is building a pipeline of successful, committed, and racially diverse new teachers to teach and thrive in Atlanta Public Schools.

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CREATE offers two (2) teacher support programs for Georgia State University’s College of Education and Human Development teacher-candidates that seek to teach in an elementary school, middle school or Kindergarten thru 8th grade school within the Atlanta Public Schools (APS). Our programs are designed to build a new teacher’s anti-racist, compassion-centered understandings, mindsets, pedagogical knowledge and skill over a three year period.

Resideny Program

Residency New Teacher Supports

Across the first year of residency, GSU teacher-candidates will complete their practicum and student teaching within an APS partner school and receive the following supports:  

  • $6000Financial stipend – distributed between Aug ‘22-May ‘23
  • Mentor Teacher in an APS school (Selected and coached by CREATE)
  • University Supervisor and Coach (GSU/CREATE staff)
  • Monthly CREATE cohort professional development (for placement credit)
  • Monthly CREATE small group coaching (for placement credit)
  • GACE Test reimbursements
  • Resume & cover letter writing support
  • Career coaching sessions- applications, interviews, demonstration lessons


  • Enrolled in Georgia State University’s College of Education and Human Development for the the upcoming school year in one of the following programs:
    • Bachelors of Science in Birth through Five
    • Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education (P-5) and Special Education
    • Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education (P-5) with ESOL Endorsement
    • Bachelors of Science in Middle Level Education – ELA, SS, Math, or Sci
    • Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) – Middle Level Education – ELA, SS, Math, or Sci
    • Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) – K-12 ESOL
  • Entering their final year of study during the upcoming school year, with the expectation of graduation at the end of the upcoming Spring semester
    In good academic standing with GSU
  • Successfully passed the following assessment by March 18, 2022:
    • The GACE Program Admission Assessment (Combined Tests I, II, and III)
    • The Georgia Educator Ethics – Program Assessment
  • Willing to commit to 1 year in residency program, working in one of our 17 partner schools within Atlanta Public Schools

We offer two years of comprehensive teacher support across the first two years of certified teaching to graduates of the Residency Program. 

First Year

In the first year, new teachers receive the following supports:

  • $44,000* salary plus benefits 
  • Partner teacher from your current cohort
  • Weekly instructional mentoring from CREATE-trained staff
  • Bi-monthly mentoring from a School Base Mentor (Selected and coached by CREATE)
  • Monthly CREATE cohort professional development 

Second Year

In the second year, new teachers receive the following supports as a lead classroom teacher:

  • Commensurate salary plus benefits
  • Weekly instructional mentoring from CREATE-trained staff
  • Complimentary spot in a 2-week Summer Resident Academy
  • Bi-monthly mentoring from a School Base Mentor (Selected and coached by CREATE)
  • Monthly CREATE cohort professional development 


GSU teacher-candidates in the Pre-Service Program will have the opportunity to apply for the Early Career Extension Program in January 2023.

  • A prerequisite for enrollment in the Early Career Extension Program is full completion of the Pre-Service Program.
  • Completion of the Pre-Service Program includes full engagement of CREATE programming, graduation from GSU with a teaching degree and state of Georgia teaching certification.

Applicants to the Early Career Extension Program are applying for provisional acceptance. Upon provisional acceptance, they must then secure a teaching position*in a traditional district, partner or charter schools within APS by June 2023 in order to enroll Early Career Extension Program.

*CREATE supports this process.