Professional Learning Support

CREATE is proud to offer employees working within CREATE partner schools complimentary seats to our professional learning opportunities.  

CREATE Schools are listed below:

Atlanta Neighborhood Charter Elementary

Atlanta Neighborhood Charter Middle

Benteen Elementary

Burgess Peterson Elementary

Centennial Academy Charter

Drew Charter Elementary Academy

Drew Charter Junior Academy

Kindezi Old Fourth Ward

Luther J Price Middle

Martin Luther King Jr Middle

Parkside Elementary

Thomasville Heights Elementary

Toomer Elementary

Wesley International Academy

Westside Atlanta Charter

Complimentary Seating Information

NOTE: Complimentary seats are allocated by the building leader. Before “claiming” a complimentary seat, the employee must obtain approval. The registration form requires confirmation of this approval, including the name of the building leader who makes the allocations.

Cultivating Equity Leadership Retreat – 

Each CREATE school receives one (1) complimentary seat to each institute (valued at $800). If a CREATE school is interested in sending more than one (1) employee, each additional seat will cost $400.

Equity-Centered Critical Friendship – 

Each CREATE school receives three (3) complimentary seats to each institute (valued at $1500), as follows: Two to be used by whomever the building leader designates, the third is reserved for an actively-serving School-Based Mentor or Cooperating Teacher. If a CREATE school is interested in sending more than three (3) employees, each additional seat will cost $250.

Equity Facilitation Fellowship – 

Each CREATE school receives complimentary seats to each institute (valued at $1000 per seat). CREATE Schools are, however, responsible for a $150 materials fee for each complimentary seat. 

Presence Power Impact –  

Each CREATE school receives three (3) complimentary seats to each institute (valued at $1200), as follows: Two to be used by whomever the building leader designates, the third is reserved for an actively-serving School-Based Mentor or Cooperating Teacher. If a CREATE school is interested in sending more than three (3) employees, each additional seat will cost $200.